Highlights & Basics
- Wrist fractures affecting the distal radius are the most common fracture in adults and are typically caused by a fall on the outstretched hand.
- This injury may be accompanied by fractures of the ulnar styloid, the distal ulna, and the scaphoid. Isolated scaphoid fractures can also occur and should be considered in the differential of a patient with radial-sided wrist pain after a fall on their hand.
- Nondisplaced fractures do not have any deformity and are treated with immobilization in a splint or cast.
- Displaced fractures usually present with a "dinner fork" deformity and require closed reduction and possible surgical fixation. Successfully reduced fractures can be treated nonsurgically with immobilization and radiographic monitoring.
- Malunion of inadequately reduced fractures may result in decreased range of motion and grip strength, as well as pain, in younger patients, who may place a higher demand on the wrist.
Quick Reference
History & Exam
Key Factors
Other Factors
Diagnostics Tests
Treatment Options
Type A extra-articular fracture of the distal radius: lateral view
Type B (simple) intra-articular fracture of the distal radius: lateral view
Type C (complex) intra-articular fracture of the distal radius: lateral view
CT scans of the wrist provide excellent detail to assess fracture geometry and articular involvement, as well as degree of comminution
Cast treatment of a distal radius fracture
Plate fixation after open reduction with a volarly placed plate and screws
Posteroanterior radiograph showing malunion of the distal radius with significant shortening of the radius and relative lengthening of the ulna
Torabi M, Lenchik L, Beaman FD, et al; Expert Panel on Musculoskeletal Imaging. ACR appropriateness criteria: acute hand and wrist trauma. J Am Coll Radiol. 2019 May;16(5s):S7-17.[Abstract][Full Text]
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Management of distal radius fractures: evidence-based clinical practice guideline. Dec 2020 [internet publication].[Full Text]
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Prevention of surgical site infections after major extremity trauma: evidence-based clinical practice guideline. Mar 2022 [internet publication].[Full Text]
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