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Advil Sinus Congestion & Pain
ibuprofen/ phenylephrine
Uses .
- [ ibuprofen ]
- NSAID for reducing pain/inflammation, fever
- [ phenylephrine ]
- decongestant for reducing nasal/sinus stuffiness
Dosing .
12 yo and older
- [ oral tablet ]
- Dose: 1 tab PO q4h prn; Max: 6 tabs/24h; Info: use lowest effective ibuprofen dose, shortest effective tx duration; give w/ food if GI upset occurs
renal considerations
- [ ibuprofen; phenylephrine ]
- CrCl 60-89: consider alternatives, dose adjustment not possible w/ fixed-dose combo; CrCl 30-60: not defined, caution advised; CrCl <30: avoid use
- HD/PD: avoid use
hepatic considerations
- [ ibuprofen; phenylephrine ]
- hepatic impairment: not defined, caution advised