Select a medication above to begin.
Entire Monograph
Reported Uses
- NOTE: see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table
- Addison dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- adrenal insufficiency [Insufficient Evidence]
- androgen deficiency, partial [Insufficient Evidence]
- athletic performance [Insufficient Evidence]
- cardiovascular dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- cervical dysplasia [Insufficient Evidence]
- chronic fatigue syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- cocaine dependence [Insufficient Evidence]
- cognitive function [Likely Ineffective]
- COPD [Insufficient Evidence]
- Crohn dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- depression [Possibly Effective]
- diabetes mellitus [Insufficient Evidence]
- erectile dysfxn [Insufficient Evidence]
- exercise-induced muscle damage [Insufficient Evidence]
- fibromyalgia [Insufficient Evidence]
- HIV/AIDS [Insufficient Evidence]
- infertility [Possibly Effective]
- menopausal sx [Insufficient Evidence]
- metabolic syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- muscle strength [Possibly Ineffective]
- muscular dystrophy [Insufficient Evidence]
- obesity [Insufficient Evidence]
- opioid withdrawal sx [Insufficient Evidence]
- osteoporosis [Insufficient Evidence]
- parturition [Insufficient Evidence]
- Parkinson dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- physical performance [Possibly Ineffective]
- rheumatoid arthritis [Insufficient Evidence]
- schizophrenia [Insufficient Evidence]
- sexual dysfxn [Insufficient Evidence]
- Sjogren syndrome [Likely Ineffective]
- skin aging [Possibly Effective]
- SLE [Insufficient Evidence]
- slowing/reversing aging [Possibly Ineffective]
- ulcerative colitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- vaginal atrophy [Likely Effective]
Reported Doses
Safety/efficacy may not be established; reported doses may be derived from limited or potentially inadequate studies w/ variable regimens, multi-ingredient products, or where concentration of active ingredients may vary widely
Special Note
- [formulation clarification]
- Info: may incl. DHEA, DHEA-S metabolite; see prasterone vaginal for FDA-approved Rx product; all other preparations are not FDA-approved
Effectiveness Ratings
- [see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table]
Addison dz
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50 mg PO qd
adrenal insufficiency
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 20-50 mg PO qd
androgen deficiency, partial
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 25 mg PO qd
cervical dysplasia
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 150 mg PV qd
chronic fatigue syndrome
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 25-100 mg PO qd
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 200 mg PO qd
Crohn dz
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 200 mg PO qd
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 30-500 mg PO qd
erectile dysfxn
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50 mg PO qd
exercise-induced muscle damage
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50 mg PO bid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50-500 mg PO qd
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 50-75 mg PO qd; Alt: 30 mg PO tid; Start: 3-4mo before IVF
menopausal sx
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 10-25 mg PO qd; Alt: 3.5-13 mg PV qd
metabolic syndrome
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50-100 mg PO qd
muscular dystrophy
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 200 mg IV qd
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50-100 mg PO qd
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50-200 mg IV 1-2x/wk; Alt: 100 mg IV qd x3 days; Start: after 37 wk gestation
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50 mg PO bid; Start: 25 mg PO qd x2wk, then 25 mg PO bid x2wk, then 50 mg PO bid
sexual dysfxn
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 300 mg PO x1; Alt 50-500 mg PO qd; 0.25-1% cream or supp PV qd
skin aging
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 50 mg PO qd; Alt: apply 1% cream topically qd
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 20-200 mg PO qd
ulcerative colitis
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 200 mg PO qd
vaginal atrophy
- [Likely Effective]
- Dose: 0.25-1% supp PV qd; Alt; apply 10% cream to inner thighs qd
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