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orotate de di-arginine
Entire Monograph
Reported Uses
- NOTE: see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table
- altitude sickness prevention [Insufficient Evidence]
- anemia [Insufficient Evidence]
- angina [Possibly Effective]
- anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity [Insufficient Evidence]
- ARDS prevention [Insufficient Evidence]
- asthma [Insufficient Evidence]
- athletic performance [Insufficient Evidence]
- beta-thalassemia [Insufficient Evidence]
- breast CA, adjuvant tx [Insufficient Evidence]
- CABG [Insufficient Evidence]
- CHF [Insufficient Evidence]
- CKD [Possibly Ineffective]
- cognitive impairment [Insufficient Evidence]
- COVID-19 [Insufficient Evidence]
- critical illness (trauma) [Insufficient Evidence]
- cystic fibrosis [Insufficient Evidence]
- dental caries prevention [Insufficient Evidence]
- dental hypersensitivity [Insufficient Evidence]
- diabetes mellitus [Insufficient Evidence]
- diabetic foot ulcers [Insufficient Evidence]
- diabetic neuropathy [Insufficient Evidence]
- erectile dysfxn [Possibly Effective]
- female infertility [Insufficient Evidence]
- head/neck CA [Insufficient Evidence]
- heart failure [Insufficient Evidence]
- heart transplant [Insufficient Evidence]
- HTN [Possibly Effective]
- HTN, pregnancy-induced [Possibly Effective]
- hypercholesterolemia [Possibly Ineffective]
- impaired glucose tolerance [Insufficient Evidence]
- interstitial cystitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- intrauterine growth restriction [Insufficient Evidence]
- male infertility [Insufficient Evidence]
- MELAS syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- MI [Possibly Ineffective]
- migraine [Insufficient Evidence]
- muscle wasting, HIV/AIDS-related [Insufficient Evidence]
- muscular dystrophy [Insufficient Evidence]
- necrotizing enterocolitis prevention [Possibly Effective]
- nephrotoxicity, cyclosporine-induced [Insufficient Evidence]
- nitrate tolerance [Insufficient Evidence]
- obesity [Insufficient Evidence]
- oral mucositis [Insufficient Evidence]
- periodontitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- peripheral arterial dz [Possibly Effective]
- physical performance [Insufficient Evidence]
- polycystic ovary syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- postop infection [Insufficient Evidence]
- postop recovery [Insufficient Evidence]
- pre-eclampsia [Possibly Effective]
- pressure ulcer [Insufficient Evidence]
- preterm labor prevention [Insufficient Evidence]
- PTCA restenosis prevention [Insufficient Evidence]
- radiation dermatitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- renal transplant [Insufficient Evidence]
- respiratory infections [Insufficient Evidence]
- schizophrenia [Insufficient Evidence]
- sexual dysfxn [Insufficient Evidence]
- sickle cell dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- stress [Insufficient Evidence]
- tuberculosis [Possibly Ineffective]
- valproic acid toxicity [Insufficient Evidence]
- wound healing [Possibly Ineffective]
Reported Doses
Safety/efficacy may not be established; reported doses may be derived from limited or potentially inadequate studies w/ variable regimens, multi-ingredient products, or where concentration of active ingredients may vary widely
Effectiveness Ratings
- [see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table]
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 1.3 g PO qd; Info: for pts w/ chronic kidney dz
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 2 g PO tid; Alt: 6 g PO qd
ARDS prevention
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 3 g PO qd; Start: 2nd or 3rd trimester; Info: for prevention in infants
athletic performance
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 0.15 g/kg/dose PO x1 given 60-90min before performance; Alt: 1.2-3 g PO qd; 6 g PO qd given 90min before training
beta-thalassemia, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 0.1 mg/kg/dose PO qd; Info: for pts 6-18 yo w/ pulmonary HTN
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 30 g (10% solution) IV x1 during surgery; Alt: 7.5 g injection in 500 mL cardioplegic solution x1
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 15 g PO qd
cognitive impairment
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 1.66 g PO bid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 1.66 g PO bid; Info: used w/ standard tx
dental caries prevention
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 1.5% w/w toothpaste bid-tid
erectile dysfxn
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 2.5-5 mg PO qd; Alt: 0.69-5 g PO qd; 2 g PO tid; Info: commonly used w/ PDE5 inhibitor
female infertility
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 16 g PO qd
heart failure
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 1000 mg PO tid
heart transplant
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 6 g PO bid
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 4-24 g PO qd; Alt: 3 g PO tid
HTN, pregnancy-induced
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 20 g IV qd; Alt: 3 g PO qd
impaired glucose tolerance
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 3.2 g PO bid
interstitial cystitis
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 1.5 g PO qd
intrauterine growth restriction
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 3 g PO qd; Info: up to 20 g/day IV has been used; for pregnant women w/ ultrasound-diagnosed intrauterine growth restriction
MELAS syndrome
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 0.5 g/kg/dose IV x1 given w/in 1h of s/sx; Alt: 4-24 g PO qd
muscle wasting, HIV/AIDS-related
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 14 g/day PO divided bid
muscular dystrophy, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 2.5 g PO tid; Info: used w/ metformin
necrotizing enterocolitis prevention
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 260 mg/kg/day PO/IV divided qd-bid; Info: used in premature infants
nitrate tolerance
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 700 mg PO qid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 3 g PO tid; Alt: 2-6 g PO qd
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 1 g PO tid
peripheral arterial dz
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 24 g/day PO divided tid; Alt: 8 g IV bid; 3.3-6.6 g PO qd
polycystic ovary syndrome
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 1600 mg PO qd; Info: used w/ N-acetyl cysteine
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 30 g IV x1; Alt: 20 g IV qd; 3-6.6 g PO qd
pressure ulcer
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 7.4 g PO qd; Info: used w/ L-glutamine and hydroxymethylbutyrate
preterm labor prevention
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 3-6.6 g PO qd; Start: 2nd or 3rd trimester
PTCA restenosis prevention
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 600 mg/6 mL injection via stent catheter x1
renal transplant
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 0.5 g/kg/h IV x1, then 0.75 g/kg/dose IV qd x3 days; Start: 2h before surgery
sexual dysfxn
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 200 mg PO qd; Alt: 400 mg PO bid
sickle cell dz
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 0.1 g/kg/dose PO/IV tid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50 mg PO x1; Info: used w/ L-theanine
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