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aloe (Aloe vera)
Entire Monograph
Reported Uses
- NOTE: see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table
- acne [Possibly Effective]
- alveolar osteitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- amenorrhea [Insufficient Evidence]
- anal fissure [Insufficient Evidence]
- aphthous ulcer (canker sores) [Insufficient Evidence]
- asthma [Insufficient Evidence]
- atopic dermatitis (eczema) [Insufficient Evidence]
- breast engorgement [Insufficient Evidence]
- burning mouth syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- burns [Possibly Effective]
- common cold [Insufficient Evidence]
- constipation [Possibly Effective]
- dental plaque [Insufficient Evidence]
- depression [Insufficient Evidence]
- diabetes mellitus [Possibly Effective]
- diabetic foot ulcers [Insufficient Evidence]
- diaper rash [Insufficient Evidence]
- dry skin [Insufficient Evidence]
- epilepsy [Insufficient Evidence]
- frostbite [Insufficient Evidence]
- genital herpes [Possibly Effective]
- gingivitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- heart failure [Insufficient Evidence]
- hematopoietic stem cell transplant [Insufficient Evidence]
- hepatitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- HIV/AIDS [Insufficient Evidence]
- hyperlipidemia [Insufficient Evidence]
- hypertrophic scars [Insufficient Evidence]
- IBS [Insufficient Evidence]
- influenza [Insufficient Evidence]
- lichen planus [Possibly Effective]
- lung CA [Insufficient Evidence]
- multiple sclerosis [Insufficient Evidence]
- nipple fissures [Insufficient Evidence]
- obesity [Possibly Effective]
- oral mucositis [Insufficient Evidence]
- oral submucous fibrosis [Possibly Effective]
- osteoarthritis [Insufficient Evidence]
- peptic ulcer [Insufficient Evidence]
- periodontitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- pressure ulcer [Insufficient Evidence]
- psoriasis [Possibly Effective]
- radiation dermatitis [Possibly Effective]
- radiation proctopathy [Insufficient Evidence]
- scabies [Insufficient Evidence]
- seborrheic dermatitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- striae gravidarum (stretch marks) [Insufficient Evidence]
- sunburn [Insufficient Evidence]
- traumatic oral ulcers [Possibly Effective]
- tungiasis [Insufficient Evidence]
- ulcerative colitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- vaginitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- varicose veins [Insufficient Evidence]
- wound healing [Insufficient Evidence]
- wrinkled skin [Insufficient Evidence]
- xerostomia [Insufficient Evidence]
Reported Doses
Safety/efficacy may not be established; reported doses may be derived from limited or potentially inadequate studies w/ variable regimens, multi-ingredient products, or where concentration of active ingredients may vary widely
Effectiveness Ratings
- [see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table]
acne, adult pts
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: apply 50% gel topically bid; Info: used w/ retinoid tx
acne, peds pts
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: apply 50% gel topically bid; Info: used w/ retinoid tx
alveolar osteitis
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply patch topically x1, then repeat 3 days later
anal fissure
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 0.5% powdered spray topically tid
aphthous ulcer (canker sores)
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 0.5% gel topically tid-qid
atopic dermatitis (eczema)
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply cream topically bid
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: apply cream or gel topically bid
- [Possibly Effective]
- Info: Banned in US, see Other Info
dental plaque, adult pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply toothpaste qd-tid
dental plaque, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 10 mL (7% mouthwash) swish/spit bid; Info: for pts 8-14 yo
diabetes mellitus
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 100-1000 mg PO qd; Alt: 15-150 mL juice PO qd
diabetic foot ulcers
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply gel topically bid; Info: used w/ oral antibiotic tx
diaper rash, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply cream topically tid; Info: cream prepared w/ aloe:olive oil (3:2 ratio) in emulsion base
dry skin
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 500 mg PO qd; Alt: apply 0.1-0.5% cream topically qd; apply aloe-coated gloves topically qd
genital herpes
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: apply 0.5% cream topically tid
gingivitis, adult pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply toothpaste qd-tid
gingivitis, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 10 mL (7% mouthwash) swish/spit bid; Info: for pts 8-14 yo
heart failure
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 150 mg PO bid; Info: used w/ standard tx
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50 mg extract PO tid
hypertrophic scars
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 15% gel topically qd; Start: 2wk after surgery
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 250-500 mg PO bid; Alt: 50 mL juice PO qid; 60 mL juice PO bid
lichen planus
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: apply gel topically bid-tid; Alt: 30 mL mouthwash swish/spit qid; 0.4 mL mouthwash (70% gel) swish/spit tid; apply 70% mucilage topically bid
lung CA
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 300 g/10 mL blended aloe leaves PO tid; Info: prepared w/ honey in 40 mL 40% alcohol
nipple fissures
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply poultice topically 6x/day; Info: may apply after breastfeeding
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 147 mg PO bid
oral mucositis, adult pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 15 mL (80% juice) PO tid
oral mucositis, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 70% solution topically bid; Start: 3 days before chemo; Info: for pts 3-6 yo
oral submucous fibrosis
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 30 mL juice PO bid plus gel topically tid; Alt: apply 5 mg gel topically tid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply gel or toothpaste
pressure ulcer
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply gel topically bid; Alt: apply 10-15 mL gel (3:2 ratio aloe:olive oil) topically q8h
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: apply 0.5% cream topically tid; Alt: apply 70% mucilage topically bid
radiation dermatitis
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: apply cream topically bid-tid; Alt: apply 2% gel topically bid
radiation proctopathy
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 1 g (3% ointment) rectally bid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply gel topically qd
seborrheic dermatitis
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 30% emulsion topically bid
striae gravidarum (stretch marks)
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 87.4% gel topically bid; Alt: apply cream topically bid starting at 16-18 wk gestation
traumatic oral ulcers, adult pts
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: apply 80% gel topically bid
traumatic oral ulcers, peds pts
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: apply 80% gel topically bid; Info: for pts 12 yo and older
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply extract topically bid
ulcerative colitis
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mL (50% solution) PO bid; Start: 25-50 mL PO bid x3 days
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 5 mg (2% cream) topically qhs
wound healing
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply gel topically x24h after surgery; Alt: apply 0.5% cream topically tid; apply 87.4% gel topically qd
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 20 mL (50% mouthwash) swish/spit tid
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