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flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum)
Entire Monograph
Reported Uses
- NOTE: see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table
- acne [Insufficient Evidence]
- BPH [Insufficient Evidence]
- breast CA [Insufficient Evidence]
- burning mouth syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- cancer prevention, colorectal [Insufficient Evidence]
- cancer prevention, endometrial [Insufficient Evidence]
- cancer prevention, lung [Insufficient Evidence]
- cardiovascular dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- CKD [Insufficient Evidence]
- constipation [Possibly Effective]
- diabetes mellitus [Possibly Effective]
- fatigue [Insufficient Evidence]
- HTN [Possibly Effective]
- hypercholesterolemia [Possibly Effective]
- IBS [Insufficient Evidence]
- impaired glucose tolerance [Insufficient Evidence]
- mastalgia [Possibly Effective]
- menopausal sx [Insufficient Evidence]
- metabolic syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- nonalcoholic fatty liver dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- obesity [Possibly Effective]
- osteoarthritis [Insufficient Evidence]
- osteoporosis [Possibly Ineffective]
- peripheral arterial dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- pharyngitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- pneumonitis, radiation-induced [Insufficient Evidence]
- polycystic ovary syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- prostate CA [Insufficient Evidence]
- rheumatoid arthritis [Insufficient Evidence]
- SLE nephritis [Possibly Effective]
- ulcerative colitis [Insufficient Evidence]
Reported Doses
Safety/efficacy may not be established; reported doses may be derived from limited or potentially inadequate studies w/ variable regimens, multi-ingredient products, or where concentration of active ingredients may vary widely
Special Note
- [formulation clarification]
- Info: may incl. whole, ground or flaxseed extract; flaxseed products contain soluble fiber, lignans w/ phytoestrogens; not to be confused w/ flaxseed oil, a unique component w/ potentially different clinical properties
Effectiveness Ratings
- [see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table]
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 300-600 mg extract PO qd
breast CA
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 25 g PO qd
cardiovascular dz
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 30 g PO qd
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 3-25 g PO bid; Alt: 50 g/day PO in divided doses w/ meals
diabetes mellitus
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 10-60 g PO qd; Alt: 600 mg extract PO tid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 20 g/day PO in divided doses w/ meals
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 10-60 g PO qd
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 30-50 g PO qd
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 25 g PO qd
menopausal sx
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 40-90 g PO qd; Alt: 1000 mg extract PO qd
metabolic syndrome
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 550 mg extract PO tid; Alt: 30 g PO qd
nonalcoholic fatty liver dz
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 30 g PO qd
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 30 g PO qd; Alt: 1.28-2.56 g mucilage/200 mL water PO bid w/ meals
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply poultice compress topically qd x30min
pneumonitis, radiation-induced
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 40 g PO qd; Start: 1wk before XRT
polycystic ovary syndrome
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 30 g PO qd
prostate CA
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 30 g PO qd
rheumatoid arthritis
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 30 g PO qd
SLE nephritis
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 15-45 g/day PO divided qd-tid
ulcerative colitis
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 30 g/day PO divided qd-bid
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