Related Diseases & Conditions
HIV infection is caused by a retrovirus that infects and replicates in human lymphocytes and macrophages, eroding the integrity of the human immune system over a number of years, culminating in immune deficiency and a susceptibility to a series of opportunistic and other infections as well as the development of certain malignancies. Globally, an estimated 38.4 million people were living with HIV at the end of 2021, with 1.5 million people newly infected.[3] Most people are infected through sexual contact, before birth or during delivery, during breast-feeding, or when sharing contaminated needles and syringes.Summary
Pregnancy in women living with HIV is complicated not only by HIV infection itself but also by the medical and psychosocial comorbidities associated with HIV. HIV infection in pregnancy poses a threat to maternal immune health and can lead to perinatal transmission of HIV in utero, intrapartum, or through breastfeeding postnatally.Summary
The administration of antiretroviral therapy to HIV-negative people who may have been occupationally or sexually exposed to HIV. Once exposed to HIV, there may be a brief period before the infection is established, during which antiretroviral therapy may successfully prevent viral replication.[4] [5]Summary
Infections that can occur as a result of impaired cell-mediated immunity in advanced stages of HIV infection. These illnesses tend to occur most often in patients who have untreated HIV infection or who fail to respond to antiretroviral therapy. Tuberculosis, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, candidiasis, cryptococcosis, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, Mycobacterium avium complex, and coccidioidomycosis infections are among the HIV-related opportunistic infections often encountered in clinical practice.Summary
Historically one of the most common AIDS-defining illnesses in children, adolescents, and adults in high-income countries.[6] It is an infection of the lung caused by the fungal organism Pneumocystis jirovecii (formerly known as Pneumocystis carinii). Typically, it causes clinical disease in severely immunocompromised patients, such as HIV-positive patients with CD4 cell counts <200 cells/microliter, hematopoietic cell transplant patients, solid-organ transplant patients, or patients on chronic immunosuppressive therapy.Summary
An infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In many patients, M tuberculosis becomes dormant before it progresses to active tuberculosis. It most commonly involves the lungs and is communicable in this form, but may affect almost any organ system including the lymph nodes, central nervous system, liver, bones, genitourinary tract, and gastrointestinal tract. TB is particularly devastating in areas with high prevalence of HIV infection.[7] The WHO estimates there were 187,000 TB-related deaths among people with HIV in 2021.[8]Summary
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), also known as Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI), consists of 2 mycobacterium species, M avium and M intracellulare. It traditionally causes 3 disease syndromes: pulmonary disease, cervical lymphadenitis, and disseminated disease. People living with HIV with a CD4 count <50 cells/microliter are at increased risk of infection.[9]Summary
Caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Cats are the definitive hosts for the parasite. Humans are intermediate hosts, and become infected by ingesting uncooked meat infected with tissue cysts (bradyzoites), by ingestion of other food or water contaminated with oocysts, or by transplacental spread of tachyzoites.[10] Infection in humans is lifelong and often asymptomatic, unless a patient becomes immunosuppressed.Summary
An opportunistic fungal infection caused by Cryptococcus species. Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and Cryptococcus neoformans cause morbidity and mortality, especially in immunosuppressed populations. Patients with HIV and CD4 count of <100 cells/microliter are at highest risk of infection. Cryptococcal meningitis is estimated to cause 15% of all AIDS-related deaths globally.[11]Summary
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitous beta-herpes virus that infects the majority of humans. Primary infection in individuals with normal immune function is usually asymptomatic. After primary infection, CMV establishes a state of lifelong latency in various host cells, with periodic subclinical reactivations that are controlled by a functioning immune system. When reactivation (or primary infection) occurs in patients with severely compromised immune function (transplant patients, or patients with AIDS with a CD4 count <50 cells/microliter), uncontrolled CMV replication often ensues, which leads to the clinical manifestations characterized by fever, bone marrow suppression, and tissue-invasive disease.[12]Summary
A local infection of oral tissues by yeasts of the genus Candida, mostly C albicans. Seen most frequently in association with local and systemic immunologic suppression. Although Candida are considered normal flora in the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts in humans, they are capable of local infection of mucus membranes (oropharyngeal candidiasis, esophagitis, vulvovaginitis), focal invasion (endophthalmitis, meningitis, endocarditis), and dissemination (candidemia).Summary
One of the most common cancers arising in people with HIV. It is a low-grade vasoformative neoplasm associated with human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8, also known as Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus).[13] Lesions frequently involve mucocutaneous sites, but may become more extensive to involve the lymph nodes and visceral organs. Skin lesions evolve from an early patch, to a plaque, and later to ulcerating tumor nodules.Summary
In the early phases of the HIV epidemic, skin disease was frequently a presenting manifestation of the infection.[14] Cutaneous manifestations often reflect immune status and may offer insight into the long-term prognosis. The etiologies of different diseases involving the skin and HIV vary. Some skin diseases are fairly specific to HIV. Other skin diseases may appear in non-HIV-infected populations but have altered presentations in those with HIV.Summary
Causes of altered mental status in HIV infection include both acutely presenting conditions (which often represent HIV-related opportunistic infection or associated systemic illness) and more progressive neurocognitive disease or psychological comorbidity. Neuropsychological issues may arise as a direct effect of HIV infection: for example, as part of a spectrum of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders or as a psychiatric comorbidity (e.g., depression or alcohol/substance abuse).
1. Nyamweya S, Hegedus A, Jaye A, et al. Comparing HIV-1 and HIV-2 infection: lessons for viral immunopathogenesis. Rev Med Virol. 2013 Jul;23(4):221-40.[Abstract][Full Text]
2. World Health Organization. HIV/AIDS. Nov 2022 [internet publication].[Full Text]
3. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Full report-In Danger: UNAIDS global AIDS update 2022. Jul 2022 [internet publication].[Full Text]
4. Pinto LA, Landay AL, Berzofsky JA, et al. Immune response to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in healthcare workers occupationally exposed to HIV-contaminated blood. Am J Med. 1997 May 19;102(5b):21-4.[Abstract]
5. Spira AI, Marx PA, Patterson BK, et al. Cellular targets of infection and route of viral dissemination after an intravaginal inoculation of simian immunodeficiency virus into rhesus macaques. J Exp Med. 1996 Jan 1;183(1):215-25.[Abstract][Full Text]
6. Palella FJ Jr, Delaney KM, Moorman AC, et al. Declining morbidity and mortality among patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus infection. HIV Outpatient Study Investigators. N Engl J Med. 1998 Mar 26;338(13):853-60.[Abstract][Full Text]
7. Dye C. Global epidemiology of tuberculosis. Lancet. 2006 Mar 18;367(9514):938-40.[Abstract][Full Text]
8. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report 2022. Oct 2022 [internet publication].[Full Text]
9. Tumbarello M, Tacconelli E, de Donati KG, et al. Changes in incidence and risk factors of Mycobacterium avium complex infections in patients with AIDS in the era of new antiretroviral therapies. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2001 Jul;20(7):498-501.[Abstract][Full Text]
10. Dubey JP. The life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. In: Ajioka JW, Soldati D, eds. Toxoplasma molecular and cellular biology. Norfolk, UK: Horizon Bioscience; 2007.
11. Rajasingham R, Smith RM, Park BJ, et al. Global burden of disease of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis: an updated analysis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2017 Aug;17(8):873-81.[Abstract][Full Text]
12. Razonable RR, Humar A, AST Infectious Diseases Community of Practice. Cytomegalovirus in solid organ transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2013 Mar;13 Suppl 4:93-106.[Abstract][Full Text]
13. Chang Y, Cesarman E, Pessin MS, et al. Identification of herpesvirus-like DNA sequences in AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma. Science. 1994 Dec 16;266(5192):1865-9.[Abstract]
14. Leslie KS, Levell NJ. Dermatologists, beacons of epidemics; past, present and future!. Int J Dermatol. 2004 Jun;43(6):468-70.[Abstract][Full Text]
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